Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Spimbey Review

Spimbey playsets are also much more affordable when you really think about it and their warranty is also top-notch. Not only does it give new life to the way we view playsets, but it gives us more options when buying one. It’s scarce that you see a backyard swing set that has a rock wall, let alone a lemonade stand, and that’s what they have. What you might not know is that there is a lifetime warranty on all wooden components.

The Price For A Spimbey Playset

It’s a big shame, but unfortunately this company is not ready to be selling to customers yet. We ordered the spimbey playset with the small playhouse in March. We were provided with regular updates on shipping delays and ultimately received both fullfly deliveries, wood and hardware, less than two months later. The assembly was straight forward and very well organized. We were missing some minor pieces, like the spimbey logo, safety plate, and one of the tarps, but I was very happy overall.

Spimbey playsets are a lot easier to assemble than most regular swing sets. With the way playsets and swing sets are designed these days, Mark decided that there needs to be a solution to the madness. That puts the cost of Spimbey modular playsets higher than the average. Although the amount difference is significant, we can’t put a price on convenience and safety. Then, later on, you can buy the play deck with the lemonade stand and slide as your child gains more motor skills and interest in exploring. If you like to expand your child’s outdoor playset to something bigger, you can opt to buy more modules and assemble them just as easily and quickly.

There are lots of complaints about the company and that is definitely not cool in anyone’s book. This Spimbey review is not here to talk about how amazing the product is (because I didn’t get one), but rather to give details on what has been going on. This Spimbey review will give you all the information you need about the company and its product.

Pros & Cons Of Spimbey

I like that idea and the safety features they have after realizing that these other playset creators don’t have safety in their best interest. If you’ve ever been on the market for a new swing set, you will know that there aren’t many options out there. Overall, there’s not much to hate about Spimbey playsets if you’re looking at just the product alone. They look amazing, and they also come at a very reasonable price.

Then again, those things are made for mass production, and with only a few options, we deal with what we have. They are designed for mass production and don’t get the TLC provided by a more branded and focused product.

Spimbey told me, hardware will be shipped at the beginning of august. Nothing happened, no further response to any contact email I sent them. If the company is running a legit operation, let’s give them time to sort things out before placing an order. That’s about all that we can speak for though as there are way too many complaints about this company. This does give hope to some of you who ordered a playset and are anxious about everything.

The average custom-wooden playset in the United States with a slide, swings, and play deck is $1,000. It’s end of August 2022 and they have not shipped yet the play set to me. We still haven’t received our playset after 4 months. Our children are disappointed that they didn’t get to enjoy their summer playing with their new playset.


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